Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hey World,

SO much going on in the DiNovi World...I'm in law school finals...I'm busy...I did well on midterms and on my legal writing final...thank God.

Anyway, I want to post about one of my favorite Hollywood Actor/Models...TALON REID.  He is so talented and we've been friends since 2011. We met through our mutual actor friend, Shane West. (A Walk To Remember). Talon and I caught each others' eye at Shane West's 4th of July party in 2011 and we've been close friends ever since. We have a lot in common. We are both tenacious, and literally will not let anyone or anything get in our way. We are both out of control. What we say= GOES. We don't care what anyone thinks of us. We do what we like. We wear what we like. We make the rules.

Talon and I were born in the Midwest. We both moved to LA at a very young (just out of high school!!!) age.  Talon dropped out of college after a short time...I left University of Illinois Urbana Champaign..or you could say I DROPPED OUT to move to LA, pursue acting and I graduated from Loyola Marymount.

We both live in gorgeous houses in the Hollywood Hills.

Talon and I have worked together a lot from 2011-2012-2013 and we have a lot to look forward to in 2014...


Peace & Love.
