Hey World,
I recently booked a pilot for ABC-Family, called "Pretty Tough." I am one of 5 girls who were cast as high school soccer players.
Working on this project was an absolute joy. We shot in Malibu.
When I arrived on set around six AM, I was hyper, excited, nervous and ready for an athletic day! As I pulled up through the hills, I panicked, realizing, I could not figure out where the actual location was. My GPS had led me to this massive hill of houses overlooking the ocean that was reminiscent of my beach house in Canada. I pulled over and quickly asked an older woman passing by my car, "Excuse me! Do you know where Westward Beach is?" I nervously exclaimed.
"There are lots of shoots there. It's a popular spot," the kind soul explained.
I was so lucky and nervous as I jumped back into my car, freezing in my sports bra and shorts. My heart raced as I climbed up the hill and around the bend toward the beach.
My eyes widened and glistened as I found the "secret spot." A congenial guard greeted me as I stalled at the entrance. She smiled and handed me an "actor pass" for my car. I pulled into the lot and could not stop smiling. A string of trailers lined the lot. Crew members carried large pieces of sound and lighting equipment off large trucks parked on the opposite side. Tents lined the area with abundant food, drinks and amazing snacks! I was in heaven.
I loved shooting this pilot bc it was SO much fun. Being on a big set again was SUCH a good feeling. I was so happy to be there.
We shot soccer drill scenes such as headers, passing, running up the canyon and swimming in the ocean. At one point, we all take off our shirts and jump in the ocean!
I have a bunch of scenes and a few sporadic speaking lines lolz! As a result, I am now joining AFTRA =]
It's the best feeling in the world when you love what you are doing and it doesn't feel like work. My dad always says, he wakes up in the morning and he is SO excited to go to court. My dad says he never wants to retire because he loves being a lawyer SO much. He gets super excited about his cases and he's ultra passionate. That's why I love going to court with my dad. When he articulates and presents information, I am impressed because he is really good at what he does. "Whatever you are, be a good one." -Abraham Lincoln
I love acting more than anything in the world.