Hey World,
I LOVE St. Patrick's Day. My best friend/"Adopted Brother" (as my mom says) from Hinsdale since sixth grade is Patrick Regan. He was born on this lucky day and it has become quite a special holiday for most of my life. Even though we are Italian, my family is pretty huge on St. Patrick's Day. My mom's mom claimed that her grandmother was an O'Day and so there is a small percentage of Irish heritage on my mom's side, supposedly. My dad would argue that we are Italian...and that's that. Lol.
Anyway, I've been really busy focusing on fitness, lots of green tea, lots of reading, education and bettering myself. I'm focused on my health, maintaining a really solid schedule of boxing, power hot yoga and working with the machine, Tolland.
A few weeks ago, I went to The Lincoln Lawyer movie premiere at the Arclight. It was so crazy because Matthew McConaughey rolled up next to me (in a Lincoln...perfectly themed) with his entourage. It was pretty cool and definitely a memorable night.